[av_contact email=’[email protected]’ title=’Course Application Form’ button=’Submit’ on_send=” sent=’Many thanks for your submission! Your application has been sent. You will get a confirmation in 2 business days.’ link=’manually,http://’ subject=’Mediacoop Training Application Form’ autorespond=” captcha=” form_align=” color=’av-custom-form-color av-dark-form’]
[av_contact_field label=’Name’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=’element_half’ multi_select=”][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label=’Surname’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=’element_half’ multi_select=”][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label=’E-Mail’ type=’text’ check=’is_email’ options=” multi_select=” width=”][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label=’Address’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=’element_half’ multi_select=”][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label=’Contact Number’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_phone’ width=’element_half’ multi_select=”][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label=’Number of persons to book’ type=’select’ options=’1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8′ check=’is_empty’ width=’element_half’ multi_select=”][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label=’Course being booked’ type=’text’ options=’Assertiveness & Self-Confidence – Morning, Assertiveness & Self-Confidence – Evening ‘ multi_select=’aviaTBaviaTBmulti_select’ check=’is_empty’ width=’element_half’][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label=’Comments’ type=’textarea’ options=” check=” width=’element_half’ multi_select=”][/av_contact_field]
[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”]
Courses Features
- All attendees will be presented with a certificate of attendance.
- Bookings are subject to available space on a first come first served basis.
- Credit of the whole amount to be used in other courses will be given in case of cancellation.
- One-to-One email support is offered for 30 days after course.
- Maximum 10 attendees. Mediacoop reserves the right to postpone a course if the number of people attending is not adequate.
- Copy of all handouts will be sent by email.